What We Do


OM Workbench was founded by Patrick Lemmon as a company that honors the work of craftsmen and tradesmen by creating long-lasting, durable, functional gear. We are a relationship-oriented, family-friendly business, and employee owned as we continue to grow.

All of our leather gear is hand-made and stitched by hand, which makes it unique and personal while being incredibly durable. Each piece is made to order from start to finish in our workshop. This includes cutting the leather, burnishing and finishing edges, stitching, assembling and applying the finishing touches before being shipped to your door. Through this process we aim to develop personal relationships with each of our customers.

All of the materials used to build our products are recyclable or biodegradable. We aim to source as locally as possible, and where local sourcing isn’t feasible, we have carefully selected and developed relationships with a couple of small international businesses. We prefer to work with small businesses, and we know that the materials we use are handled with the same care that we use in making your products.


Our History


OM Workbench is the offshoot of Orthodox Masonry, a company founded by Patrick Lemmon. A traditionally trained structural mason and timber-framer, Patrick first started formulating ideas for OM Workbench while working in the field as a builder. He wasn’t satisfied with current options in tool bags, finding most of them poorly constructed and not able to withstand the wear and tear of daily use. After trying several options, he decided to make his own bag — something simple and functional in design that would have a longer shelf-life than others on the market. As he worked his way through several different iterations, craftsmen around the country and world became interested in the process.

Through trial and error, Patrick settled on the ideal tool bag and perfected its design. Thus the Chapman bag was born as a robust, aesthetically pleasing, hand-made tool bag with the durability needed to serve generations of work. After multiple peers and fellow builders expressed interest in purchasing a tool bag, Patrick began OM Workbench as a business. He spent several years exploring material sources and sorting out the details involved in making a top-shelf product in an efficient and affordable manner. From the beginning, he recognized the need for balance between achieving a high set of production standards while developing efficient processes that reduce cost without compromising the quality.

From here, OM Workshop hopes to continue developing relationships with people in specialized fields. We offer the potential to work with individuals to custom design high-end products that are suitable to their individual work. We believe that every craftsman deserves tools that reflect the quality of their work. Personal experience informs our design process.